Hardworking, skin-respecting products for every stage of your menopausal journey & beyond.

Half the population will experience menopause...so, lets talk about it.

would recommend to other menopausal women*
*Independent user trial on the Night Recovery Treatment with 56 menopausal women over 4 weeks.

Approved by Gen M
"There is power in community - that is why we have partnered with Gen M. By collaborating together we can learn, share, create noise and help make menopause more visible for all."
Did you know there are 48 symptoms of menopause?
Did you know that menopause symptoms can be experienced over 8-15 years?
What is perimenopause?
When you have symptoms of menopause but your periods have not stopped
What is menopause?
When you have not had a period for 12 months.
What is beyond menopause?
Time after menopause has occurred where you may still experience symptoms.